Project Description

Duck Park is a 3D hyper-casual race game in which the player controls a lovable rubber duck floating down a water slide, attempting to beat the competition to the bath finish line.

Why this game?

A multiplayer game, or in this case a bot “multiplayer” game, is an ideal fit for a social platform – we can pull the player’s connected friends an emulate their movements, and immerse the player in the process.

Duck Park features a skin unlock shop, level unlocking, gliders, and track modifiers.

The track is randomly generated according to set rules before each game, and bot behavior is made of presets with random modifiers – leading each track and race to feel distinctively different, new and exciting.

All of the variables – bot behaviors, pickups, coins awarded, and so on – are modifiable via developer options and so are very easy to a/b test and modify without requiring additional development resources.


  • 350k players.
  • 12 games per player average.