Project Description

Hunting Trails is an on-rails lightgun shooter in which the player roams hunting reserves, attempting to complete hunting-related challenges while unlocking exciting new weapons and gadgets.

Why this game?

Hunting Trails was originally developed years ago as a standalone subscription game and was highly successful as one – over the years, the graphics were no longer relevant and the player base dwindled to a point where the game was deprecated.

While attempting to come up with new games that could be developed for the Comcast platform as part of a partnership, the possibility of modernizing the successful old game came up and was judged to have a high probability of success because the game had a successful history.

My role in the project was to highlight all the features that had to be updated for the new generation, to oversee a complete overhaul of the UI/UX and graphics, to rebalance the economy, to update all the sounds in the game, and to design analytics events.